PHP Pagination

Pagination of pages in PHP is a topic famous topic. So here I not explain any new php codes for Php Pagination. I will explain how you can use pagination for data held within an array.
Normally you did only need to paginate your data that if you’ve got quite a lot of it in.With database systems of course pagination (Php Pagination) can be achieved relatively easily by specifying the offset parameters in an SQL query. But what if your data didn’t come from a database table and instead came from a flat file. So look at the following code which expalin exactly how it’s done Php Pagination.
// Data, normally from a flat file or some other source
$data = "Item 1|Item 2|Item 3|Item 4|Item 5|Item 6|Item 7|Item 8|Item 9|Item 10";
// Put our data into an array
$dataArray = explode('|', $data);
// Get the current page
$currentPage = trim($_REQUEST[page]);
// Pagination settings
$perPage = 3;
$numPages = ceil(count($dataArray) / $perPage);
if(!$currentPage || $currentPage > $numPages)
$currentPage = 0;
$start = $currentPage * $perPage;
$end = ($currentPage * $perPage) + $perPage;
// Extract ones we need
foreach($dataArray AS $key => $val)
if($key >= $start && $key < $end)
$pagedData[] = $dataArray[$key];

Created the $data array which contains a long line of items distribute up by the pipe '|' character. Realistically this would be real data just for this tutorial I'll keep it simple. Then, using the explode() function I've cut up the $data variable into array using '|' as the delimeter.
The line 8 in Php Pagination simply gets the current page number one is provided.
Lines 7 to 13 Php Pagination do the math calculations which make this array pagination work. Now set how many items we'd like to display per page into the variable, $perPage. In the example above I've set this to 3.
On line 8 we're working out how many pages there are going to be. This can be done by dividing the total number of items (by using the count() function) by the items per page value. Notice on this line that I'm also using the ceil() function. This basically rounds the number up (e.g. 5.134 becomes 6).
We then have a simply if statement on lines 9 and 10 of Php Pagination. It's basically saying that if no page number has been provided or if the provided page number is more than the number of pages, set it to 0. This stops people from trying to access pages which have no items.
On lines 14 and 15 of Php Pagination we're setting the $start and $end variable which you might recognize if you've done pagination using SQL queries before. The $start variable holds the lowest ID of the item which can be displayed on this page. The $end variable is maximum cap which the items ID can be to be displayed (actually, it's one above, but this depends on how you do your if statement on line 17 of Php Pagination).
Great, we're nearly there. Now, on line 15 of Php Pagination we start a foreach statement which loops through each of our data items. Inside this loop is a simple if statement to see if the id of the current data item is above (or equal to) the $start value and below the $end value. If it is then we place a copy of it into our $pagedData array.
Once the foreach loop has finished the $pagedData array now contains all of the data items which we should be displaying on the current page. All we have to do now is to loop through and display them. This has been shown in the following code snippet.
foreach($pagedData AS $item)
            echo $item . "<br>";

As displaying the data goes that's it. Now need to display the pagination links to let you navigate your way through the pages. Here's the code for Php Pagination.

if($currentPage > 0 && $currentPage < $numPages)
            echo '<a href="?page=%27%20.%20%28$currentPage%20-%201%29%20.%20%27">« Previous page</a><br>';

if($numPages > $currentPage && ($currentPage + 1) < $numPages)
            echo '<a href="?page=%27%20.%20%28$currentPage%20+%201%29%20.%20%27" class="right">Next page »</a><br>';

Above codes of Php Pagination contain two quite simple if statements. First is displaying the "previous page" link and the another is for displaying the "next page" link.
If first statement checking to see if the current page is more than 0 and if the current page is less than the total number of pages.
The second if statement is checking to see if the total number of pages is more than the current page number and if there are any more pages after the current page.
Atleast you have done Php Pagination.

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